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Efforts for Better

Labor-Management Relations

SEES Global strives to build a more stable labor-management culture by encouraging smooth communication among employees, based on mutual trust and respect, we collect opinions from employees through various communication channels, and share and discuss major issues. 

SEES Global has introduced 'Gratitude Management' to create a culture through which all employees have a positive mindset through active communication and collaboration. Since 2018, we have held various events for all employees to express appreciation every year, continuously striving to establish and internalize the gratitude management culture.

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Human Rights Protection of Employees

SEES GLOBAL is Writing an oath of respect for human rights, which to be taken before joining the company, as a means of respecting and protecting the human rights of its executives and employees.

Oath of respect

for human rights

  1. We do not discriminate against our employees for racial, gender, social status, or religion during the hiring process, and we will provide a working environment of mutual respect and consideration.
  2. We will guarantee the freedom of association and collective bargaining for our employees.
  3. We will prohibit any form of forced labor and child labor within the company.
  4. We will provide a safe and hygienic working environment for our employees.
  5. We will abide by domestic and international laws.
  6. We will try to protect the human rights of consumers who use the goods and services we produce.
  7. We will not provide or receive any money or gifts or entertainment related to our work.

I will definitely keep this promise as it is based on mutual trust


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Human Rights Protection of Employees

SEES Global is writing an oath of respect for human rights, which to be taken before joining the company, as a means of respecting and protecting the human rights of tis executives and employees.

Oath of respect for human rights

  1. We do not discriminate against our employees for racial, gender, social status, or religion during the hiring process, and we will provide a working environment of mutual respect and consideration.
  2. We will guarantee the freedom of association and collective bargaining for our employees.
  3. We will prohibit any form of forced labor and child labor within the company.
  4. We will provide a safe and hygienic working environment for our employees.
  5. We will abide by domestic and international laws
  6. We will try to protect the human rights of consumers who use the goods and services we produce.
  7. We will not provide or receive any money or gifts or entertainment related to our work.

I will definitely keep this promise as it is based on mutual trust.




SEES Global aims to contribute to creating a world in which people enjoy a happier life with better health and safety. SEES Global will continue to carry out social contribution activities in various fields to fulfill its social responsibilities and create a happier world, and create social contribution programs that companies and all the employees can participate in.

Providing education opportunities

Soman Rehabilitation CenterImproving educational and living environment for the disabled
Eunhangnamu Youth Scholarship FoundationNurturing talents and improving educational environment

Encouraging cultural activities

Korea Ski AssociationContribution to the development of KSA

Creating jobs, supporting and developing technologies

Hangaram History and Culture InstituteResearching appropriate education opportunity on cultural history
KAISTContributing to the development of KAIST

Creating wealth and income for local society

Daegu Gyeongbuk
Industry Development Forum
Contributing to the industrial development of Daegu and Gyeongbuk area

Supporting health

for the local community

Korean Society 
of Retired 
Fire Officers
Promoting advancement of firefighting and social public interest 
Korean Red CrossDeveloping local community related to the COVID-19 pandemic
Seoul National
Supporting children with
heart disease
Korea Crime Prevention FoundationPreventing Crime

National Disaster / Emergency Recovery support

Embassy of Ukraine, Probono International Cooperation FoundationSupporting emergency relief supplies and donations
NamibiaSupporting relief supplies

Social Contribution Activities

SEES Global is actively engaging in socially responsible 시즈글로벌은 기업의 사회공헌활동의 일환으로 지역사회 및 이해관계자들과 함께 공유할 수 있는 프로그램등을 통해 사회책임경영에 적극적으로 참여하고 있습니다.

Social Contribution Donation (Unit : KRW 1,000)

Amount of expenditure