The brand name 'LUDIS' was taken from 

word "ludis", which means game and 

sports. According to the dictionary,

 it means a mischievous trickster. 

The message that we are trying to

 convey thru LUDIS is that we want 

to approach our customers as a 

bright, exciting sports brand 

leader, making a big step in great 

spirit. Being true to the catchphrase,

we wish to grow LUDIS as one of the 

top sports brands, which can naturally come to your mind for every sports occasion. In order to make that happen, each and every opinion of our customers will be highly valued and respected.

The brand name 'LUDIS' was taken from word "ludis", which means game and sports. According to the dictionary, it means a mischievous trickster. The message that we are trying to convey thru LUDIS is that we want to approach our customers as a bright, exciting sports brand leader, making a big step in great spirit. Being true to the catchphrase, we wish to grow LUDIS as one of the top sports brands, which can naturally come to your mind for every sports occasion. In order to make that happen, each and every opinion of our customers will be highly valued and respected.