Received the $ 1million Export Award on 9th Trade Day,

Commendation from the Minister of commerce and industry

1972. 11. 

Received the $ 5 Million Export Award on 23rd Trade Day,

Prime Minister's Commendation

1986. 11. 

Received the $ 10 Million Export Award on 25th Trade Day,

Presidential Award

1988. 11. 

President Kim Joo In received the Silver Tower Industrial Medal

from the Korean government

2004. 3. 

Received the $50 Million Export Award on 57th Trade day

2020. 12. 

President Kim Joo In received the Golden Tower Industrial Medal

from the Korean government

2023. 5. 
1970. 12.
Established SEES Corporation
1973. 9.
Established the main factory in Seongnam
1976. 6.
Commenced ski glove production
1995. 3.
Launched our own brand, "LUDIS"
1996. 10.
Achieved annual production of 2 million pairs of gloves 
(a 20% share of the global market)
1998. 10.
Selected as the official sponsor of the Korea national team by the Korea Ski Snowboard Association
2007. 6.
Established an onsite corporation in Vietnam (SEES VINA Co.,Ltd)
2008. 1.
2009. 12.
Changed company name to SEES GLOBAL
2015. 6.
Established an onsite corporation in Cambodia (SEES CAMBODIA Co.,Ltd) 
2017. 3.
Selected as a Global Small and Medium-sized Company (Small and Medium Business Adminstration) 
2017. 4.
Established an R&D Center (Seongnam in Korea)
2020. 4.
Acquired the first certification in Korea for fire Protection gloves, TYPE-2, from KFI(Korea Fire Institute)
2020. 12.
Celebrated the 50th anniversary of foundation






1970. 12.

Established SEES Corporation

1972. 11.

Received the $ 1Million Export Award on 9th Trade day, Commendation from the Minister of commerce and Industry

1973. 9.

Established the main factory in Seongnam

1976. 6.

Commenced ski glove production

1986. 11.

Received the $5Million Export Award on 23rd Trade Day, Prim Minister's Commendation

1988. 11.

Received the $ 10 Million Export Award on 25th Trade Day, Presidential Award

1995. 3. 

Launched our own brand, "LUDIS"

1996. 10. 

Achieved annual production of 2million pairs of gloves (a 20% share of the global market)

1998. 10.

Selected as the official sponsor of the Korea national team by the Korea Ski Snowboard Association

2004. 3.

President Kim Joo In received the Silver Tower Industrial Medal from the Korean government

2007. 6. 

Established an onsite corporation in Vietnam (SEES VINA Co.,Ltd)

2008. 1.


2009. 12.

Changed company name to 


2015. 6.

Established an onsite corporation in Cambodia (SEES CAMBODIA Co., Ltd)

2017. 3.

Selected as a Global Small and Medium-sized Company (Small and Medium Business Administration)

2017. 4.

Established an R&D center (Seongnam in Korea)

2020. 4.

Acquired the first certification in Korea for fire protection gloves, TYPE-2, from KFI (Korea Fire Institute)

2020. 12.

Received the $50 Million Export Award on 57th Trade Day

2020. 12. 

Celebrated the 50th anniversary of foundation

2023. 5.

President Kim Joo In the Gold Tower Industrial Medal from the Korean government




