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Organization Chart

(2024.03.01 Update)

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Organization Chart

(2024.03.01 업데이트)

Board of Directors

Chung, Goo Hee CEO

Kim, Kyung Koo Executive director

Hwang, Chul Ho Director

Board of Directors

Chung, Goo Hee

Kim, Kyung Koo
Executive director
Hwang, Chul Ho

Sustainability Management

 SEES Global defines key stakeholders as employees, partners, customers, shareholders, and communities, and strives to create sustainable corporate value by sharing important issues with them, collecting their opinions, and reflecting them in our management activities.

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Sustainability Management

 SEES Global defines key stakeholders as employees, partners, customers, shareholders, and communities, and strives to create sustainable corporate value by sharing important issues with them, collecting their opinions, and reflecting them in our management activities. 

Code of Ethics

Ethical management Principles
1.Employees and executives practice ethical management in performing their duties based on a strong sense of ethics and compliance.
2. Employees and executives shall not use the company's property and information assets for their own personal purposes, and shall prioritize the interests of the company over their own in case of conflicts.
3. Employees and employees shall not accept money, entertainment, or personal convenience from stakeholders.
4. Employees and employees shall comply with all laws and regulations in all commercial transactions based on the spirit of compliance.
5. The company respects the basic rights of each employee and treats each employee as an independent and dignified person.
6. The company promotes the desire to work through a fair evaluation and compensation system based on skills and performance.

Ethics to Customers
1.We do our best to gain trust from customers based on integrity and honesty.
2. We do our best to enhance customer satisfaction through quality products and services.
3. We do our best to protect customer information acquired in relation to work.

Ethics towards shareholders
1.We do our best to protect the rights and interests of shareholders by enhancing corporate value and realizing profits.
2. We do our best to provide useful information to shareholders in a timely manner through channels such as disclosure and IR.
3.We do our best to ensure the fair exercise of shareholders' rights and respect shareholders' proposals and decisions.

Ethics towards society and the nation
1. The company contributes to the economy as a corporate citizen by creating value based on efficient management and innovation.
2. The company complies with domestic and international norms and regulations such as environmental, health and safety, and human rights.
3. As a member of society, the company fulfills its social responsibilities and contributes to wholesome social development.

Application of ethical norms
1. This Code of Ethics applies to all executives and employees of SEES Global Co., Ltd.
2. Anyone who is aware of the violation of this ethical norm by employees of SEES Global Co., Ltd., may report it to the audit office, compliance manager, and reporting center (exclusive department) using e-mail, fax, phone call, etc., and necessary actions or disciplinary measures will be taken in accordance with regulations in case of violation.

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  1. Ethical management Principles
    1.Employees and executives practice ethical management in performing their duties based on a strong sense of ethics and compliance.
    2. Employees and executives shall not use the company's property and information assets for their own personal purposes, and shall prioritize the interests of the company over their own in case of conflicts.
    3. Employees and employees shall not accept money, entertainment, or personal convenience from stakeholders.
    4. Employees and employees shall comply with all laws and regulations in all commercial transactions based on the spirit of compliance.
    5. The company respects the basic rights of each employee and treats each employee as an independent and dignified person.
    6. The company promotes the desire to work through a fair evaluation and compensation system based on skills and performance.

  2. Ethics to Customers
    1.We do our best to gain trust from customers based on integrity and honesty.
    2. We do our best to enhance customer satisfaction through quality products and services.
    3. We do our best to protect customer information acquired in relation to work.

  3. Ethics towards shareholders
    1.We do our best to protect the rights and interests of shareholders by enhancing corporate value and realizing profits.
    2. We do our best to provide useful information to shareholders in a timely manner through channels such as disclosure and IR.
    3.We do our best to ensure the fair exercise of shareholders' rights and respect shareholders' proposals and decisions.

  4. Ethics towards society and the nation
    1. The company contributes to the economy as a corporate citizen by creating value based on efficient management and innovation.
    2. The company complies with domestic and international norms and regulations such as environmental, health and safety, and human rights.
    3. As a member of society, the company fulfills its social responsibilities and contributes to wholesome social development.

  5. Application of ethical norms
    1. This Code of Ethics applies to all executives and employees of SEES Global Co., Ltd.
    2. Anyone who is aware of the violation of this ethical norm by employees of SEES Global Co., Ltd., may report it to the audit office, compliance manager, and reporting center (exclusive department) using e-mail, fax, phone call, etc., and necessary actions or disciplinary measures will be taken in accordance with regulations in case of violation.

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