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SEES Global, as a special glove manufacturer, has adopted and implemented the following environmental policies for growth in harmony with the environment, and adopted and complied with strict internal rules and procedures in line with domestic laws and international environmental agreements.

 » SEES Global identifies environmental impacts of its products occurring throughout the entire process of raw meterial purchase, product production, sales and disposal, and continuously manages and improves them.

 » SEES Global actively strives to prevent pollution and save resources through ongoing improvement of the environmental management system, and development of eco-friendly production technology.

 » SEES Global educates and trains all of its employees regarding eco-friendly business performance, and ensures that its partners comply with environmental management system requirements. 

 » In order to effectively realize such environmental policy, we are periodically setting up and implementing the environmental goals and action plans, and measuring and disclosing the results.

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Environmental Policies

SEES Global, as a special glove manufacturer, has adopted and implemented the following environmental policies for growth in harmony with the environment, and adopted and complied with strict internal rules and procedures in line with domestic laws and international environmental agreements.

  » SEES Global identifies environmental impacts of its products occurring throughout the entire process of raw meterial purchase, product production, sales and disposal, and continuously manages and improves them.

 » SEES Global actively strives to prevent pollution and save resources through ongoing improvement of the environmental management system, and development of eco-friendly production technology.

 » SEES Global educates and trains all of its employees regarding eco-friendly business performance, and ensures that its partners comply with environmental management system requirements. 

 » In order to effectively realize such environmental policy, we are periodically setting up and implementing the environmental goals and action plans, and measuring and disclosing the results.



S-ECO(Sees-ECO) TFT & SEES-G Committee

  • Voluntary participation of all employees is a key factor for the success of SEES Global in regard to environmental compliance. Consensus to create a happier world catalyzes voluntary participation of employees, and the environmental philosophy of 'Gloves protecting Humans and the Planet' is implemented as one of the company-wide management strategies.

  • With the declaration of environmental compliance in 2017, SEES Global has pursued sustainable development through environmental management by organizing the S-ECO (Sees-ECO) TF.

  • S-ECO TF is led by the CEO, who is the chairman and one of the decision-makers of the TF. The S-ECO TF identifieds topics related to SEES Global's environmental responsibility by hosting meetings on a regular basis.

  • In 2023, SEES Global plans to launch the SEES-G Committee in line with its ESG management philosophy, and expand participation to partners so that all employees of SEES Global, affiliates and partners can raise ESG management awareness.

Environmental Compliance 

Five Themes

Environmental improvement strategies that establish environmental partnerships by demonstrating leadership and jointly responding to environmental issues through mutual cooperation among SEES Global's dedicated organizations (partners, affiliates etc.) and its emplyees, government, local communities and NGOs

Environmental improvement strategies to improve environmental economic efficiency by reducing resource use and minimizing environmental pollutant emissions through pre-emptive responses, rather than post-processing in the production stage

Environmental improvement strategies to reduce direct and indirect environmental impacts resulting from employees' work activities and operation of related facilities

Environmental improvement strategies that not only consider the environmental impact at the use and disposal stages of the final products in the glove manufacturing process, but also make consumers consider the environment in the process of purchasing, using, and disposing gloves.

Environmental improvement strategies in the logistics sectors, which monitor environmental impacts and maximize packaging and transportation efficiency to minimize the environmental impacts that occur in the product packaging and transportation/delivery processes.

Environmental Compliance

S-ECO(Sees-ECO) TFT & SEES-G Committee

  • Voluntary participation of all employees is a key factor for the success of SEES Global in regard to environmental compliance. Consensus to create a happier world catalyzes voluntary participation of employees, and the environmental philosophy of 'Gloves protecting Humans and the Planet' is implemented as one of the company-wide management strategies.

  • With the declaration of environmental compliance in 2017, SEES Global has pursued sustainable development through environmental management by organizing the S-ECO (Sees-ECO) TF.

  • S-ECO TF is led by the CEO, who is the chairman and one of the decision-makers of the TF. The S-ECO TF identifieds topics related to SEES Global's environmental responsibility by hosting meetings on a regular basis.

  • In 2023, SEES Global plans to launch the SEES-G Committee in line with its ESG management philosophy, and expand participation to partners so that all employees of SEES Global, affiliates and partners can raise ESG management awareness.

Environmental Compliance Five Themes



Environmental improvement strategies that establish environmental partnerships by demonstrating leadership and jointly responding to environmental issues through mutual cooperation among SEES Global;s dedicated organizations (partners, affiliates etc.) and its employees, government, local communities and NGOs



Environmental improvement strategies to improve environmental economic efficiency by reducing resource use and minimizing environmental pollutant emissions through pre-emptive responses, rather than post-processing in the production stage



Environmental improvement strategies to reduce direct and indirect environmental impacts resulting from employees' work activities and operation of related facilities



Environmental improvement strategies that not only consider the environmental impact at the use and disposal stages of the final products in the glove manufacturing process, but also make consumers consider the environment in the process of purchasing, using, and disposing gloves



Environmental inprovement strategies in the logistics sectors, which monitor environmental impacts and maximize packaging and transportation efficiency to minimize the environmental impacts that occur in the product packaging and transportation/delivery processes